Tuesday, May 20, 2008


As some of you know, I am in excrusiating pain all day, every day in my neck (and whole entire head). I've had 2 surgeries on my neck and at this point it should not be hurting me at all. I've had x-rays and CAT scans done recently, and my surgeons have said that the fusion looks "perfect" and they cannot find anything wrong with it. They can't find anything, but the pain in my neck is very real and also limits me from doing quite a lot. You'd never guess that I'm in unbearable amounts of pain all day and night, but I try my best to not let it show in public. Got to stay strong, right?

Well, this Friday my dad & I will go to Syracuse for a 12:30pm appointment for my neck. The doctors are going to run a bone scan and a bunch of other tests. This is bitter-sweet for me and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous. I REALLY would like them to figure out what's wrong so that they can find a cure and take away my horrible pain. I'd like some answers because right now no one (in Boston or Syracuse) know what it causing the pain. I'm just praying that whatever it is can be fixed WITHOUT surgery. I really don't want them to operate on my neck again. I can't go through that again.


Adam and Raechell said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this unending pain. I can't even fathom what it must be like and no...no one would ever know what you live with.
I just said a prayer, may you be free this day! I will continue to pray.
I see you found the links addition...very cool. :D I will be checking some of these new ones out. Thanks!

Jeremy said...

Oh man what a rough time you're having. We'll be praying that they will find out exactly where the pain is coming from.

Can't wait to see an update this weekend.